on the 16th of December, 2007 Sugar & Spice became the proud host for a function known as '

1000 wajah'. The name might sound funny but there was a huge mission at the back of these function. Sponsored by Kamilia Technologies, the sponsors wanted to coll

ect 1000 women's faces to be compiled together and be put in a magazine. Their main mission was to appreciate women and show the world what they are capable of and also to show the many faces of them.
The event started at around 10am and went on until 4pm. It was launched by Tengku Datuk Fauzi and was looked on by approximately 70 to 80 people. Guest included a few well known celebrities who came to support the event. Imagine having 80 people in Sugar & Spice?!?!?!?! But yeah....we pulled it off.
Our proud owners Lan and Kak Didah were the chefs for the day, helped by 2 other cooks. The menu included roasted beef, pasta, chicken chop, mushroom soup, nasi briyani, sate, garden salad, fruit punch, and junk food as well. All in all, the sponsors spend about RM 1969.00 for these event. Now this shows that although we hosted such a big event, the sponsors didn't have to fork out a fortune to pay for it and the best part was that they had tasty, delicious food to go with. Like the saying goes, a meal fit for the kin

g was prepared by our chefs.
Sugar & Spice really looked grand for the event. There were so many balloons hanging from the ceiling and with so many people, it really did looked as if there was a huge wedding going on here. All the women that came for the event ate heartily and the photographers did their part by snip-snapping away at the women's faces.
In a nutshell, everything went really well and the sponsors were really happy with the food as

well as the service provided to them. All the staffs including our owners were praised for their good service. So i guess Sugar & Spice can stand on itself to show it's standard to people. Although our shop is one of those that is small and cosy, we are still very much capable of hosting big events that includes VIP.